Was God in 2012? Where Will He Be in 2013?Introduction:A. A common question:
“Where was God when…?’ But have you considered flipping it on its
head?B. How can God be a God of justice and allow so much good to happen to
such undeserving people?I. Where was God in 2012? _A. As the One who all
things according to the counsel of his will (Psa 115:3; Eph 1:11).B. As the
One who has so much sin and harm in the past (Gen 20:6; 2 Thes 2:6).C. As the
One who countless examples of his goodness and patience (Acts 14:17).D. As
the One who is the world to repentance (Rom 2:4).II. Where will God be in
2013? ! But not in ways we might always be able to seeA. ,writing from prison
(Phil 1:12-14).B. , with a thorn given him in the flesh, a messenger of Satan
to harass him (2 Cor 12:8-9).C. and , with a dead brother that Jesus could
have healed (John 11:4).D. ,sold into slavery, falsely accused of sexual
assault, forgotten in prison (Gen 50:19-20).E. , reflecting on his former
disbelief concerning Jesus of Nazareth (1 Tim 1:12-15).F. , rejected, mocked,
and killed (Mark 8:31).G. , a widow, loser of two sons, left desolate with
one foreign daughter-in-law (Ruth 4:22).H. , a sexually pure single person,
accused of immorality (Luke 1:35).I. King , unable to sleep (Est 6:1-2).J.
The tortured, the mocked, the beaten, the afflicted, the killed of Hebrews
11:35-40.III. Foundation stones of faith for 2013A. God’s (Psa 119:68).B.
God’s (Rom 8:31-32; Heb 12:11).C. God’s to work all things according to the
counsel of his will (Job 42:2).D. God’s (Rom 11:33-36). |