130331 AM The Last Words of Jesus and Why They Still Matter

The Last Words of Jesus and Why They Still Matter A. Famous “last words” are a special form of quotation and perspective that fascinate many people. B. Have you ever considered the last words of Jesus and what we can learn from them?I. Words from the Cross A.  Luke 23:33-34- words of                                that encapsulate his entire mission. B. Luke 23:39-43- words of                                that there is more than meets the earthly eye. C. John 19:25-27 -words of                              that reveal his concern for his loved ones. D. Matthew 27:45-46-words of                          that convey the horrific consequences of sin. E. John 19:28- words of                         that demonstrate his relatable humanity . F. John 19:30- words of                       that reflect the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose. G. Luke 23:45-46 -words of                      in anticipation of a reunion with his heavenly Father. II. Words after His Resurrection -A.  Matthew 28:10- words of                                that there is nothing to fear. -B. Luke 24:36-39 -words of                             that he had indeed conquered death. -C. Luke 24:44- words of                           on the big picture of God’s revelation to mankind. -D. John 20:29- words of                       for those who believe though they have not seen. -E.  John 21:15-17 -words of                                that testify to the grace of God. -F. Matthew 28:18- words of supreme                       as the central figure in all of human history. -G.  Matthew 28:19-20-words of                            that shape the rest of his disciples’ time on earth. Ill. Words at the Close of God’s Revelation to Mankind A. Revelation 22:12- words of coming                        and inescapable accountability to God. -C. Revelation 22:13 -words of                  that focus the universal reason for everything on him. -D.  Revelation 22:16-words of                              for his churches. -E. Revelation 22:20- words of                        that he is coming again.