130602 AM If King Solomon Spoke to Graduates…

If King Solomon Spoke to Graduates *** A. King Solomon had all the attributes schools look for in a commencement speaker. He was incrediblywealthy (2 Chron 1:14-17), accomplished as a scholar and writer (2 Chron 9:1-9), and a man of vastworldly experience (Eecl1:14).  B. If Solomon spoke to graduates at the dawn of a new chapter in their lives, what might he say? ** 1. “My father gave me some sound advice about ” (1 Kings 2:1-3). 2. “Here’s one of the most important things for you to remember” (Prov 1:7).  3. “As an illustration (Eecl4:13), and here’s the lesson you must learn” (Prov 19:20).  4. “Don’t love ” (Prov 20:13).  5. “Beware the bite of the sparkling ” (Prov 20:1; 23:29-35).  6. “God blessed me with incredible wisdom (1 Kings 3:3-12); don’t you neglect it!” — (Prov 2:1-15).  7. “If you want to keep yourself out of … ” (Prov 21:23).  8. “Fight to keep this world and its stuff in perspective” (Eccl1:3-9).  9. “The more you learn, the more this is going to break your heart” (Eecl1:18).  10. “Buy smart and zealously guard what matters most” (Prov 23:23).  11. “Strive for contentment with slow ” (Prov 13:11).  12. “Go outside, kneel down in the grass, find some,__ and watch them (Prov 6:6-11).  13. “Don’t get stuck in the past” (Eecl 7:10).  14. “Sometimes, the quieter you are, the more wise you will appear” (Prov 17:28).  15. “If you choose to get, __ choose carefully” (1 Kings 11:1-4).  16. “Don’t take to heart everything everyone says” (Eecl7:21-22).  17. “God takes ______ seriously; so should you” (Eccl5:2-7).