and Opportunities That Can Lead You to Victory in 2015 A.
If the Lord wills, 2015 contains a wealth of opportunities. B. What disciplines and opportunities have the
potential to lead us to victory? (1 John 5:1-5) I.
__________ _____________ A. Our plan:
1. Sundays: a psalm (to lift
our hearts in worship). 2. Weekdays: a
chapter from the Gospels (to fix our eyes on Jesus), a chapter from Acts or
one of the New Testament epistles
(to refresh ourselves on what it means to be followers of Jesus), and a chapter from the Old
Testament (to expand our knowledge of God’s great plan to save mankind). 3. Saturdays: a chapter from Proverbs (to grow
in wisdom). B. Benefits and blessings: 1. God’s word is the source and fortifier of
faith (Rom 10:17) 2. God’s word
produces to life (John 10:10; 1 Pet 1:23-25; John 6:63; 20:31) 3. God’s word gives hope (Rom 15:4) 4. God’s word leads to freedom (John 8:32;
17:17) 5. God’s word is a matchless
fountain of wisdom (Prov 1:2-4) 6.
God’s word provides crucial warnings (Prov 7:1-5) 7. God’s word enables us to defeat the devil
(John 8:44; Eph 6:16-17) 8. God’s word
fertilizes great and lasting joy (Psa 1:1-3)
II. ____________ A.
Our plan: pick a different person each month and pray for them every
day. Pray for receptive
hearts, opportunities, wisdom, and boldness. Pray that God might use
you to impact them. B. Benefits and blessings: “The prayer of a
righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16). III. ___________________ A.
Our plan: in an effort to serve through hospitality and develop closer
relationships, invite someone
to your home or out for a meal once a month. B.
Benefits and blessings: the fruit of “glad and generous hearts” (Acts
2:46-47). IV. _____________ A.
Our plan: where are the opportunities to make a difference by serving?
Can you host a singing or
Bible study? Can you help an elderly brother or sister around their
house? Can you visit someone |