150513 Revelation Lesson 5 Revelation 1 John’s Vision of the Glorified Christ

• Victory in Jesus •  LESSON 5 (May
13)  Revelation 1: John’s Vision of the
Glorified Christ   1. The very first
word in this last book of the Bible is apokalupsis, translated “the
revelation.” How is the stage for this incredible book set by its very first
word? How would you summarize what is being communicated in Revelation
1:1?  2. “The things that must soon
take place” – why is this phrase in Revelation 1:1 important?  3. In what way is Jesus Christ (1:5):  v The faithful witness?  v The firstborn of the dead?   v The ruler of kings on earth?  4. What is John communicating in Revelation
1:3-8?4. What is John communicating in Revelation 1:3-8?  5. Think carefully through Revelation
1:9-11:  v What is John telling us
about himself?  v What would John have
in mind by referencing “the Lord’s day”?
v Where else are we told of “a very loud trumpet blast” focusing
attention on God?  6. How is the
identity of the figure being described by John made clear in Revelation
1:12-20?  7. What should we make of
Jesus standing in the midst of the seven gold lampstands (1:12-13), which are
“the seven churches” (1:20)?  8. What
should we make of Jesus holding “seven stars” in his right hand (1:16), which
are “the angels of the seven churches” (1:20)?  9. “From his mouth came a sharp two-edged
sword” (1:16). What impression does that detail make on you?  10. How should this incredible description
shape our conception of Jesus today?