150607 AM Building Our Homes as Outposts of Victory
Outpost a fortified position established at a distance from the main camp of an army.a settlement or colony that is connected with, subject to, and promotes the interests of a homeland. A. The ancient city of Philippi was an outpost of Rome. B. A church (the first in Europe) was established during Paul’s second missionary journey (Acts 16). C. 13 years later, Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians. Notice carefully what he wrote: 1. 1:27 – “Only let your manner of life [politeuesthe – conduct as a citizen] be worthy of the gospel…” 2. 3:20 – “Our citizenship |
is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus…”D. The message: you live in a Roman colony, but… 1. ____________ is your homeland. 2. _________ is your Savior and Lord. 3. Your primary allegiance is to ______ and his kingdom. 4. Your manner of life is to be shaped by the ___________. 5. The victory belongs to Jesus (2:8-11); be ___________ of that victory (1:5-6). E. We don’t live in Philippi, but what if we took the same principles and applied them to our homes?Keys to Building Our Homes as Outposts of Victory:Outposts of victory in Jesus are inhabited and guarded by ___________ (1:1). Home as God intended is to be a ___________ where the fruit of righteousness, love, knowledge, discernment, and excellence abounds to the glory and praise of God (1:9-11). Victory is forfeited when our homes are transformed into _______________________ and we turn on each other (2:14-15) Homes are shaped by the ______________ of those who live within them (2:1-7; 4:8-9). While there is no such thing as a perfect home, disciples of Jesus are called to press on and strain _____________ to what lies ahead (3:12-15). In the midst of a dark, chaotic, self-centered world, our homes can be outposts of victorious ____________ (4:4-7) The key to victorious homes is the ___________ of God (1:2, 7; 4:23)