Are the
Disciples of Jesus Too Judgmental? We
live in a time where many are crying out for tolerance. Many believe that the
idea of expressing love goes hand in hand with being careful not to speak out
too harshly against sinful things. There is a call for Christians not to be
too judgmental regarding sin, and to be more understanding about a changing
culture that accepts practices that were once taboo. But what has God
revealed to us about how we should deal with sin? Let us continue to build on
the Rock, the solid truth of His Word.
Defining Judgmental: –
Displaying an overly critical point of view
– Disparaging, critical, negative, deprecating, disapproving,
condemnatory – Why are Christians
sometimes called this?1. Because
Christians are calling out a. How does God view ?1) It leads to (Rom. 6:23, James
1:15)2) It separates us from (Isa.59:1-2). It
does so in many areas (1 Pet.3:12; Ezek. 18:20; Matt.25:41; 2
Thess.1:8-9)3) Sin is (1
John 3:4)b. How should we view
it?1) What does the world want us to
think (Matt. 7:1-2)2) Our culture
wants to
sin.3) Historically, God has wanted us to appreciate the gravity of
sin’s effect on us (Jude 22-23, Deut. 13:6-9; 2 John 9-11; 1 Cor.
5:1-5)c. Sexual sins are prevalent
(Matt. 5:28, 32; 1 Cor. 6:18; Rom. 1:25-27; 1 Cor. 7:1-2)2. Because the attitude or tone with which sin
is being called outa. How should I
deal with those in sin?1) Concerned
for their eternity (Jude 23; Gal. 6:1-2)2)
Showing my love while upholding God’s truth (2 Tim. 2:24-26; Eph.
4:13-15)b. Considering myself (1 Cor.
10:12)Young and old, we want to pull each other together in truth, hating sin
and loving one another. Realize that we all have the goal of Heaven and
should desire each other’s help to achieve it. Just because someone doesn’t
agree with you or what you are doing, doesn’t mean they hate you…more likely,
if they are a follower of Jesus-they love you and are concerned for your
soul. |