151122 PM The Courage of Ananias

Learning Courage from Ananias   We are often inspired by stories of courage. We most often think of great battles won or situations where extreme danger and fear are overcome.While courage is needed at those times (Deut. 31:6; Joshua 1:6-7), it is very much a trait that every follower of God should grow in, so we can advance the work of our Lord. Ananias is a real, practical example of a man who shows us that courage.   1) It takes courage to live as a Christian   a.  Sometimes we confuse courage with _______________________ (Luke 12:4)     b.  The apostle Paul make it clear that we are __________________________ (1 Tim.1:18, 6:12;  Eph.6:10-13)     c.  Jesus talked about needing ______________________ (Luke 9:51, 57-62)    2) We can develop the same courage that Ananias had (Acts 9:10-22)    a.  He was ________________________ because of his courage (Acts 9:10) (Consider – 1 Sam. 3:10; Isaiah 6:8; Rom. 1:15; 1 Peter 3:15)     b.  His courage took him to _______________________ places. (Acts 9:11-12) (Remember – 2 Tim.1:7)     c.  He used his courage along with ____________________ (Acts 9:13-14) (Read – 1 Kings 19 & John 8:59)     d.  Courage helped him be _________________ to God’s purpose (Acts 9:15-17) (Think About – Isaiah 55:8-9)     e.  _____________  ________________ happened because of his courage (Acts 9:18-22) (Our part – Matt.13:3-9)