150802 PM Being Holy in Modern Times

Being Holy in Modern Times There are some concepts in God’s word that Christians will stereotype as “something they used to do in the Old Testament.”  We may sometimes look at being holy as one of those things.  Holy is not a word that we often use to describe ourselves, but it is definitely something that God teaches us to be. (1 Pet.1:16)  How does this idea relate to our lives today?1.What Holiness is NOT:  a.  Not just a check list  of________________commands and_________________.  b.  Holiness is not a_______righteous high-ground of____________________ ___(Isa.65:2-7)  c.  Not just an___________________describing different positions God established. (Ex.40:13)  d.  It is not just a_________________  ________________for “advanced Christians” (1 Tim.3)  e.  Holiness is not a compartment of our______________  ________________. (Matt 7:22-23)  2.What Holiness is:  a.  To understand what Holiness is, we find our definition in God  (1)  He has been assigned many attributes in the Bible  (2)  One of which is “holy”   b.  God is declared as Holy (Exodus 15:11-13, Isa. 6:1-5, Rev. 4:8)  c.  God is defined as Holy (Psa 106:1-2, Gen.1:1, Job 26:9-14, James 1:13, Heb. 6:18, James 1:13)  3.How do we live in the Holiness to which God calls us?   a.  Holy conduct is________________(2 Cor. 6:15, Eph.4:20)  b.  Holiness is___________________(1 Pet.3:10, 1 Pet.1:16)  c.  It must be completely__________________to God. (2 Tim.1:8-9)  d.  We cannot have holiness____________  ____________our cleansing to God  (1)  Being Holy means to be set apart from sin (1 John 1:7)  (2)  When God cleanses us we are_____________indeed. (2 Cor. 5:21, Rom. 6:3-4)  (3)  Our relationship with God_______________and________________our holiness (Gal. 2:20, Eph. 2:4-10)   We try to always remember that we belong to God.  He asks us to be holy like He is.  We must allow God to claim our life through Christ and to make that union a strong one.  Only then will we be able and willing to be holy as He is holy