141112-6L Finding Hope for Tomorrow

A series on coping with grief Laurel Canyon, Columbus, Ohio Wilson Adams Finding Hope for Tomorrow (How to get unstuck and move on) Psalm 40:1-3, 17 Have you ever noticed that everyone else has the answer to your struggles? • You just need to snap out of it! • Time heals all wounds… • If it were me, I would…(my favorite J) Truth: grief is as complicated as each of us is complicated. Those who think grief can be reduced to a simple definition, or timeline with phase completion dates—have never ridden the roller coaster of emotional pain. It’s not as “easy” as some want you to think. It takes time…and it takes God. Yet even then, we sometimes wonder if we’ll ever make it through the maze of personal pain… IV. Things God Did to Help Get Him “Unstuck” A. He prescribed _____ & _____, vv.5-6. It’s amazing how better you feel when you take care of your physical self. Life-survivors are not super men and women, but people who believe that in spite of the tragedy, life is still worth living. B. He communicated ________, vv.11-13. It wasn’t, Get on your feet you bumbling prophet…And quit your belly-aching! God knew Elijah needed calm reassurance. As a result, God did not speak to him from the wind, or earthquake, or fire, but in the sound of a “gentle blowing.” C. He made him feel ________ again, vv.15-16,18. You are valuable to Me… You are still in My plans… By-the way- you’re not the only one… There are 7,000 waiting to hear My word—from you! God gave Elijah every reason to live. And while you may not have 7,000 depending upon you, there is probably someone—and several someone(s). D. God gave him a precious gift—a ________, v.19. Life is filled with defining moments that are often painful. Those defining moments, however, are not interruptions on the path of your progress—they are the path of your progress! And you can become bitter or better. It’s a choice God gives to each. Here it is: Even though life is hard, don’t give up on God. For some reason, He isn’t finished with you as yet (2 Cor.1:3-5). Are you available? FYI: Material for the “Where is God When I Hurt?” series is condensed from the book, A Life Lost & Found—A Journey of Hope & Healing by Wilson Adams & David Lanphear. If interested in the book, see Jason Hardin. Or visit: www.courageouslivingbooks.com  I. When Will I Get Over This? A. It’s a simple question with a complex answer since grief is unique. Examples: The grieving process for a family losing a grandfather to Alzheimer’s is different from a wife who loses her husband in an accident. And her grief is different from a marriage breakup or a patient diagnosed with cancer. 1. While common denominators exist, each is individual. And even though you never “get over it,” with God’s help, you can move past it. 2. However, if you think all you must do is read the Bible and pray—and Poof!—the nasty disappears—think again. First, you never forget the person for whom you grieve. Second, there will be days you take two steps forward and three back. Often the slightest nudge from your past uncovers raw emotions you thought were left behind. Normal? Yes. B. Two facts you must know: 1. There is no completion date for the grieving process. We don’t want to hear that because we want things to be orderly and organized. Even the various stages of grief are not a “check-off” list. 2. Men and women handle grief differently. Grief is a private journey—which means… you will always be a work in progress. Be patient.