“A More Excellent Way” Lesson 2: Love Promotes Patience and
Kindness within Families (1 Corinthians 13:4)
Intro: 1. Patience is something
that often eludes us. 2. Paul offered prayers on behalf of those in Colosse
to maintain patience. (Colossians 1:9-11) 3. We live in a time that does not
promote patience. 4. The proper love for our physical and spiritual family
members will require patience. 5. Kindness and patience often go hand in
hand. Without patience people are rarely kind and when we are kind we
typically will be patient. 6. It is a quality exemplified by our Creator.
(Joel 2:13) I. Parenting requires patience and kindness. 1. “Provoke not your
children to wrath” (Ephesians 6:4) 2. Children obey your parents “for this is
right.” (Ephesians 6:1) a. Parents will not be perfect. (Hebrews 12:9-10) b.
Respect the serious obligation they have to raise and nurture their children.
3. Patience when disciplining our children. a. Did I clearly define the
rules? (Exodus 30:17-20) b. Is this a gnat or a camel? (Matthew 23:24) c. Do
I recognize mercy and kindness as an educational tool? (Matthew 5:7) II.
Extended families (in-laws) require patience and kindness. 1. The history of
Jacob and Laban. (Genesis 29 -31) a. Relationship can quickly become
adversarial. b. Must be patient and kind as all involved grow into what God
requires. (Genesis 2:24) 2. With the right amount of kindness and patience it
can be a wonderful relationship. a. Naomi and Ruth (Ruth 1:15-17) b. Their relationship built upon love,
patience, and kindness allowed for wisdom to be shared. (Ruth 2:20-23) III.
The family of God will benefit from a love that promotes patience and
kindness. 1. When we are leaving our past sins. (Acts 9:22-27) 2. When some
are weak in faith. (Romans 14:1-4) 3. Many members, various talents, different
levels of growth…one body. (Romans 12:4-10) Conclusion: 1. We all would
benefit from a greater level of patience and kindness. 2. Our earthly
relationships are more rewarding and profitable. 3. We are able to avoid many
hardships and difficulties within our spiritual family when we will express
patience and kindness toward one another. |