140420 A2 Alchol’s Addictive Appeal – Part 2 of 6

 A GOD-SHAPED LOOK  AT THE ADDICTIVE NATURE OF SIN  *** Alcohol’s Addictive Appeal ***  l. Words Of Wisdom Regarding Alcohol A. Part of the “old man” to “put off.” (Galatians 5:19-21).  B. Three terms found in 1 Peter 4:3 warn of the dangers of drunkenness, drinking parties and even social drinking.  C. The wise man gives a warning to his son in Proverbs 23:19-23 as to the FRUITS OF ALCOHOL: woe, sorrow, strife, wounds, redness of eyes, bites like a serpent, stings like an adder, sees strange things, utters perverse things, I must have another.  ll. Addiction  A. Two types:chemical and psychological. B. Addiction to alcohol is a “chemical” addiction. C. Alcohol attacks the brain of the addict,1, Frontal Lobe (Removal of inhibitions, loss of self-control, weakening of the will power, dulling of attention). 2. Parietal Lobe (Sensory control, unsteady movement, speech disturbance). 3. Occipital Lobe (Visual sensations, distorted images, seeing double, depth perception). 4. Cerebellum (Coordination and equilibrium). 5. Thalamus Medulla (Repressed respiration, circulation, apathy, stupor and even death).  D. Although alcohol affects one physically, psychologically and socially, it’s greatest consequences are SPIRITUALLY.  1. Addiction is a sin (1 Corinthians 6:12). 2. Self-control is one of God’s requirements  (1 Peter 1:6).3. ‘Let us be sober” 1 Thess. 5:2-11. lll. Bible Examples of the lnherent Dangers of Alcohol  A. Noah (Gen. 9) B. Lot (Gen. 19) C. Belshazzar (Dan. 5)