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Finding Victory When Things Seem Hopeless.   There seems to be no shortage of hopeless situations around the world. Along with
What Will Heaven Be All About?A.  When you think of heaven, what comes to your mind? Honestly evaluate: is it
Victorious Husbands  A.  We live in the midst of a confused culture wherein the most fundamental aspects of humanity are
The Jesus I Need to See A helpful skill in our lives is the ability to see things as they
The Insecure Christian: Being Deceived Deuteronomy 11:16 Take care lest your heart be deceived, and you turn aside and serve
A. You were created to glorify God.B. As his image-bearer, you have two great internal faculties: 1. An intellectual faculty
A. When the days are at their darkest, we may find it difficult to open our hearts to God’s word,
A. The people of the Bible were just … people.B. Sometimes we resemble the faithful few; at other times we
A. We live in the midst of a confused culture wherein the most fundamental aspects of humanity are frequently blurred
A. Foundational truths: 1. Parenthood was God’s idea (Gen 2:21-24; 3:20; 4:1; Matt 5:14-16, 44-45; 6:3-4, 7-9). 2. Children are