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Unequally Yoked 2 Corinthians 6:11-7:1  Warnings Against Being Unequally Yoked 1. Desire to be a_____________of the world is the_____________of God
Be Thankful   A. “Be thankful,” disciples of Jesus are straightforwardly instructed in Colossians 3:15. B. What does it mean to
Learning Courage from Ananias   We are often inspired by stories of courage. We most often think of great battles won
A Victorious Faith, Identity, and Outcome   FOUNDATIONAL TEXT: “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God.
Scripture & Song Service The Lord's Supper lnstitution  of the Lord's Supper Matthew 26:26-29#171 - The Lord's Supper#178 - True
The Barren Fig Tree   Jesus was a master teacher who skillfully used this parable to teach practical truths.  We find
Will They Know? Introduction: A. Ezekiel ("God will strengthen')  lived 600 years prior to the appearance  of the Son of
The Sin I Can’t Overcome  A. 1 Corinthians 10:13 is a wonderful, reassuring passage of victory. “No temptation has overtaken
The Rich Fool and the Modern Man  l. Introduction. Luke 18:18-30,  Luke 12:13-21  ll.The rich fool and the modern man
How Do You Know God? We often stand at a distance from things we don’t know very well, whether it