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"The Need for and Power of Mentors""A.  A                              is “a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.”""B.  While the word mentor
"“But Jonah Was Angry”""“Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai” (Jonah 1:1)""◇ Jonah 1:
"How We Speak Matters""Does it matter what we say or how we say it? Jesus shows us that it does
       History of the Lord's Church     -     Is God Fair?   * Math. 20:1-16 Parable a comparison. A story you know
The DREAM LOST               Isa. 2:2-4  Before the N.T. Had completed, God's dream was coming apart.  * Today, instead of being
Spiritual Refreshment, Day by Day  A.  With the start of Summer, many of us are spending time working on lawns
Song Service -  'Become Like Children' Introduction: Matthew 18:1-4 (Nathan Krieg) Joy· As children easily find joy, we should have
“This Will Be Your Opportunity”   A.  Our English word opportunity comes from the Latin, ob portu--ob (against) and portu (portorharbor). 
"Fathers Who Walk with God"  "A.  What a precious blessing that Jesus taught us to pray, “Our ______________ in heaven…”
"The Old Testament Fulfilled""And [Jesus] said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the