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"The Treasure Chest of God’s Word""A.  The theme of our Vacation Bible School this year is The Treasure Chest of
"GOD: The Greatest Treasure of Them All"  "Jesus, Matthew 13:44-46:""“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field,
Christ the King  “Your God Reigns” (Isa. 52:7)  God’s Promise of a King (2 Sam 7:12-13)  Kingship and Authority Psalm
Can We Trust the New Testament by Doy Moyer Can We Trust the New Testament by Doy Moyer "Were the
"Who is Your Father?" "One defining characteristic of who we are is our family line. It is amazing to see
The Prayer of Faith - Day by Day in the Letter of James  A.  As disciples of Jesus Christ, we
"The Journey of Jonah"    "Some bible stories are easy to remember and the account of what happened to Jonah is
"Make Me a Servant""Scripture & Song Service"   For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to