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Building a Strong Congregation   Introduction:   1.  People have many different ideas of what makes a strong congregation. 2.  Some people
 I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord Scripture & Song Services  Scripture Reading – Psalm 95:1-7 (Eric Tustin)
God's Dream: Lessons From the History of the Lord's Church Lesson 1 GOD'S DREAM * Erosion is: s________________ s_______________ s_______________
Trying to Discover the Dream Again       Isaiah 2:2-4    A. God longed for a people that would honor him in: W_________,
The Dream Comes to America Acts 1:7-8   A. Isa 2:2-4 God's Dream  They would be T_____________ His way  His Law
·To love and trust and pursue anything more than God is_____________(2:18-19).·As long as I love and trust and pursue__________more than
What’s the Big Deal with Taking God’s Name in Vain?  A. One of the first responsibilities of new parents is
 JESUS THE GREAT HIGH PRIEST    Hebrews 4:14-16 (ESV) 14  Since then we have a great high priest who has passed
Dangerous Church Comfort Zones  A. A “comfort zone” is an environment or situation in which a person or group of
Fellowship: Day by Day in 2016   A.  Day by day. That’s our congregational focus for 2016. To be “of Christ.”