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Can We Use the Bible to Prove the Bible by Doy Moyer 
God Shows No Partiality    A.  It is a message that resonates throughout the New Testament:    1.  “For God shows no
The Dream Comes to America Acts 1:7-8   A. Isa 2:2-4 God's Dream  They would be T_____________ His way  His Law
The Three Triumphal Entrances of Jesus  A.  God’s written revelation to mankind reveals not one, but three triumphal entrances of
David’s Charge to Solomon               Just as Israel was about to receive a new King in  1 Chronicles 28 ,
How Churches Stay Strong (and Grow Weak) Through the Years --   A.  Our study of Act s has shown
"Not the Manger, But the Cross"     "Nothing brings a smile as quickly as the picture of an innocent baby
"Well Built" "“He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock.
"Not the Manger, But the Cross"     "Nothing brings a smile as quickly as the picture of an innocent baby
"Transformed" "There are times in life when we might decide to make a change, to go a different direction, to