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Share His Grace With All For the Sake of His Name A.  Our focal point for 2017: For the sake
A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken Worldly distractions are powerful and can steal our attention away from what’s important. Fortunately
What Repentance Looks Like A.  In Acts 20:2-27 Paul described his efforts to proclaim “the whole counsel of God.” What
The Lord is Good In a world where it is increasingly difficult to find or see good things, we are
His Church, Our Blessings A.  “Who do people say that I am?” Did you know that Jesus asked that question
Churches That Thrive A.  A church that is thriving is growing, developing strength, prospering, and flourishing. B.  We know that
BAPTISM: A Funeral, a Birth, an Adoption & a Wedding A.  What is an___________? A circle, a sphere, soft, food,
“Lord, Teach Us to Pray” A.  Most of us struggle with prayer. Christians know that we should pray, but it’s
The Work of an Evangelist A.  Evangelists (from the Greek word for the “gospel” [euangelion]) are proclaimers of good news
How the Way Began to Thrive   There are fascinating details of the success of the church in the book