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Water Turned To Wine The Power To Change Introduction: 1. Text: John 2: 1-­11 2. Jesus' power and ability to
Jesus Marveled... Only twice in the New Testament do the inspired writers tell us that "Jesus marveled" at something and
          God's Part + Our Part = Salvation         Isaiah 59:1-2; Romans 6:23; 2 Peter 3:9 GOD'S PART 1. God's
Zeal That Lives On So many times in the word of God our passion and dedication is described as something
                 "Building Habits That Last" Think about the number of books written about building habits. How many authors have made
Understanding 1 Peter 3:21 Introduction • I wrote a blog post rebutting an online article that denied that1 Peter 3:21 
One More Night with the Frogs   A.  What does one more night with frogs even mean and what does
"Channels of Grace on Monday For the Sake of His Name A. Transformation is a matchless blessing of God’s grace
"“Lord, Teach Us to Pray” A. Most of us struggle with prayer. Christians know that we should pray, but it’s
"Missing the Big Picture Two groups of people went to the same service, witnessed the same events, heard the same