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5 SIN SEPARATES Us FROM GOD Sin has dire consequences for God's creation. Sin produces three deaths that influence our
6 GOD'S JUSTICE DEMANDS LIFE AS PAYMENT Judicial Death There are prices to be paid when we break the judicial
7 GOD'S LOVE PROVIDES MERCY Grace and Mercy Fortunately, God loves His creation and has decided to pay the price
8 FAITH RESPONDS Something is wrong. You go to the doctor. He runs tests and discovers that you have a
9 JESUS IS GOD'S SACRIFICIAL LAMB. Several hundred years past under the Old Testament System of animal sacrifice, but then,
10 JESUS PAID THE PRICE OWED BY THE SINNER. Mel Gibson’s famous movie, “The Passion of the Christ”, very graphically
11 THE RESURRECTION PROVIDES PROOF AND POWER. Most everyone believes that Jesus was a great moral teacher, but of course
12 THE BELIEVER MUST DIE WITH CHRIST. Having studied the death of Jesus as the Lamb of God and established