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Who or What is the Holy Spirit?I. God-Breathed DescriptionsA. "The Spirit of "- 26 times (Gen 1:2; 1 Sam 10:10;
The Spirit, the Christ, and YouIntroduction:A. Havingstudied the nature of God in general and the personalityof the Spirit in particular,we
Major Messages of the Old Testament ProphetsIntroduction:A. From approximately 760-460 BC, 16 men served God and his people asO.T. prophets.B.
The TOP 5 Things YOUR KidsNeed to Know About the BIBLE1. TheBibleis {2Tim3:14-17).2. The Bible tells one big {Eph 1:3-10;
Introduction:A. The Bible is an incredible example of "unity in diversity."B. The only logical explanation? It is the work of
Evidence of Pardon   INTRODUCTION   I. The question of how one may know that he is a child of God is
Evidence of Pardon   INTRODUCTION   I. The question of how one may know that he is a child of God is
The Baptism of the Holy SpiritIntroduction:A. There are several "baptisms" (burial, submersion, immersion, covering over) in the Bible:1. The baptism
What About Gambling?Introduction:A. With a new casino scheduled to open in Columbus tomorrow, many are excited by the prospect of"striking
What's the Point of Preaching?Introduction:A. Expectations are a normal, healthy part of life. But they're not always understood, applied, or