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The Gifts of the Holy SpiritIntroduction:A. When Cornelius and his household were "baptized with the Holy Spirit" (Acts 11:15-16) it
The Kingdom of Great Value Introduction:A. There are two kinds of people who enter into the kingdom of God:1. Those
Do Miraculous Gifts Exist Today? If Not, Why Not? Introduction: A. In our last study we noted that the Bible
Let Your Light Shine — Lesson 2 BY CARING AND SHARING Introduction A. Text: Gal. 6:2.B. Jesus “went about doing
Let Your Light Shine — Lesson 3BY BEING HONESTIntroductionA. Text: Eph. 4:25.B. We live in an environment where dishonesty is
BEING A PEACEMAKERIntroductionA. Text: Jas. 3:17,18.B. We live in a discordant, violent world where strife is oft en the norm.C.
OVERCOMING TEMPTATIONIntroductionA. Text: Eph. 6:10,11.B. Lot made a serious mistake when he moved his family to the depraved environment of
Things the Election DIDN'T Change 1. The of God (Dan 4:13-18,34-37; Isa 40:12-17; John 19:10-11; Rom 13:1-6;Matt 28:18).2. How God
The Role of the Holy Spirit in ConversionIntroduction:The Holy Spirit most certainly plays a role in the conviction and conversion
"Walk According to the Spirit"Introduction: Eph 3 :17A. Life is often compared in the Scriptures to a journey or a