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Why Your Knowledge of God Matters A.  An ancient admonition: "Let us know; let us press on to know the
Could Your Home Use a Good Spring Cleaning.  A. The home was God's idea (gen 2). B. But life at
When You're Criticized ...A. Not many of us enjoy being criticized, but criticism periodically comes our way. Sometimes it's deserved.
The Last Words of Jesus and Why They Still Matter A. Famous "last words" are a special form of quotation
Knowing and Being Known by God  A. Nothing in the universe matters more than knowing God.  B. He has revealed
ZEAL: What It Is, Where It Comes From, Why It Matters  A. Titus 2:11-14 forms a Scriptural bridge between the
Failure Doesn't Have to be Final - A. Demas and Mark are contrasts in failure. One provides words of warning,
Overcoming Adversity(Anchors That Help Us Weather the Storms of Life)Introduction:I. Adversity comes in many forms and fashions. These perplexing predicaments
Overcoming Adversity(Understanding Why)Introduction:I. All of us experience problems sometimes (2 Cor. 5:1-4). I have often said sometimes it seems as
Overcoming Adversity(Trusting God) - Introduction:I. We are talking this week about overcoming adversity. We have seen that the reason why