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Lessons from Nehemiah: What it Means to Have Faith    It takes only one person to make a difference. Nehemiah faced
Jacob, a Ladder, Jesus, and You      I.  Jacob     A.  He was a grandson of _____________ (Gen 12:1-3) and a son
7 D’s to Pray for Your Heart    A.  Our heavenly Father teaches that our hearts can be “inclined” in different
How to Lose an Entire Generation   A.  In Joshua 24:13-18, that conquering leader of Israel reminded the people of their
Facing Life with Faith Hebrews 10:35-39; 11:1-6 Life is hard and some days it gets harder. The easiest response to
There is no Sermon Outline (pdf file) for “Lord, Do You Not Care?”  Quite Moments with Jesus Wilson Adams Staring
A series on coping with grief Laurel Canyon, Columbus, Ohio Wilson Adams Finding Hope for Tomorrow (How to get unstuck
Matthew 19:4-5, I Corinthians 7:2Marriage Should Be BetweenMALE And FEMALEMatthew 19:4-5 (Jesus):  Have ye not read, that he which made
 When We Pray in Jesus’ Name  A.  What does it mean to pray “in Jesus’ name”? 1.  It is a
 Lessons from Nehemiah: What it Means to Work       Nehemiah chapters 4-7 describe a man who was willing to work for