141228 PM Are Christians Called to COEXIST

Are Christians Called to COEXIST?  l. God’s feelings towards other gods a. God rebukes the existence of other “gods” b. God shows through his judgment that he is superior to other “gods” c, We are not to seek after other gods around us d. lf we choose to ignore God, we are told that the Lord’s wraith will be kindled against us    i. This is a personal decision  ii. We are not commanded to destroy or treat with disdain those who seek after another god. Thatis for the Lord alone. e. God kept his promise to lsrael in Lev 26  i. lsrael struggled with multiple god worship until God’s anger led them to be exiled.  ii. After lsrael’s return from exile the Old Testament books do not mention Ba’al among God’speople again.II. God-given responsibility for His people towards those of another faith a. We are instructed to not allow false gods to dissuade us from the Truth b. We are not to mistake man-made idols and myths for the holy Word of God c. We are to worship God and God alone d, We are not to be haughty or judgmental with our faith III. God’s desire for ALL people a. Not to condemn, but to save b. Jesus is the only way