150819 Revelation Lesson 17 Revelation 14-16 A Call for the Endurance of the Saint

REVELATION  •  Victory in Jesus  •  LESSON 17 (August 19) Revelation 14-16: A Call for the Endurance of the Saints  1.By its use of “Then,” Revelation 14:1 assumes we remember the context of what is happening in this revelation. Take a moment to remind yourself: what is going on?  2.“On Mount Zion stood the Lamb” (14:1). Why Mount Zion? How might other sections of God’s written revelation shed light on that question?  3. Revelation 14:8 is the first of several times “Babylon” will be mentioned in this last book of the Bible. When God’s people then and God’s people now hear that ancient name, what should come to mind? 4.In your own words, what is being described in Revelation 14:1-11 and why does it ultimately lead to this summary: “Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus” (14:12)?  5.What does Revelation 14:13 have to do with the overall context of this incredible revelation?  6.What should we make of the “harvest” depicted in Revelation 14:14-20?  7.  What we have as Revelation 15 is a relatively short chapter. If you were going to summarize its overall point, how would you do so?  8.What does Revelation 16:4-7 teach us about the theme of this revelation as a whole?  9.What makes Revelation 16:8-11 so tragic?  10.Revelation 16:12-21 is an incredible section of Scripture. In light of our study of the “mural” of Revelation to this point, what is this very vivid scene depicting? What does it mean?  What effect should it have on us?