170820 PM Proving Creation and the Power of God

“Proving Creation and the Power of God

A. The Hebrew Word
a. This word means ________ _
b.___________ was challenged for 10 days (Daniel 1:5-15)
c. Joseph interpreted_______________the of the butler and baker (Genesis 40)

B. What about Science?
a. _____ wisdom is greater than Man’s (Proverbs 2:6, I Timothy 6:20)
b. God can create in a _______ state (Genesis 1)
c. God created____________
from nothing (Exodus 16:14)
d. Jesus created__________________instantly (John 2:7)

C. The Power of God
a. God sent ________ plagues against Egypt (Exodus 7)
b. God led Israel with a pillar of_______________and _____ (Exodus 13)
c. God through Moses parted the________________Exodus 14)
d. Jesus was able to raise_______________from the dead (John 11:43)
e. Jesus was______________(Matt. 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20)