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REVELATION  • Victory in Jesus • LESSON 11 (June  24) Revelation 5: Worthy is the Lamb Who Was Slain 1.
REVELATION   •  Victory in Jesus   •  LESSON  12 (July 1)   Revelation 6-7: Salvation Belongs to Our  God! 1. Having read
Revelation 8-9: Woe to Those Who Dwell on the Earth  1. Revelation 8:1 assumes we remember the context of what
*  REVELATION  •    Victory in Jesus  •  LESSON 15 (July 29) Revelation 12: The Pregnant Woman and the Great Dragon 
REVELATION • Victory in Jesus • LESSON 16 August 12 Revelation 13 The Beast of the Sea and the Beast
REVELATION  •  Victory in Jesus  •  LESSON 17 (August 19) Revelation 14-16: A Call for the Endurance of the Saints 
REVELATION   •  Victory in Jesus   •  LESSON  18 (August 26) Revelation 17: The Judgment  of the  Great ProstituteBy its use
REVELATION  •  Victory in Jesus  •  LESSON 19 (September 2)  Revelation 18: “Fallen is Babylon the Great!”  1. By its
1. By the use of "After this..." Revelation 19:1 assumes we remember the context of what is happening in this