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Are Christians Called to COEXIST?  l. God's feelings towards other gods a. God rebukes the existence of other "gods" b.
Disciplines and Opportunities That Can Lead You to Victory in 2015  A.  If the Lord wills, 2015 contains a wealth
 The Bible in Two Words: God Wins   A. “God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very
 Victory Over the Enemy What Can We Learn About Satan?   As we think about having Victory in Jesus, it reminds
 The Supper of the Victorious King and His Conquerors   A.  We are gathered as modern disciples on this first day
Past, Present, and Future Anthems of Victory   A.  The Bible contains all sorts of songs.      1.  Perhaps the earliest reference
 Not Ashamed....The Power of the Gospel           As we look throughout history, we can recall men of conviction that stood for
 “I Have a New Way”   David’s objective in 2 Samuel 6:1-11 and 1 Chronicles 13:1-14 is to bring the Ark
The Privileged Path of Persecution  Throughout the Bible we see the persecution of those who are doing God’s work. The
 “According to the Pattern”:     Does It Still Apply?    A.  “Four blind men are walking along when they come upon an